Child and Adolescent Outpatient Services
Empowering Youth Resilience: Comprehensive Mental Health Support for Ages 4-18
About The Program
At Chestnut Ridge Counseling Services, Inc., we specialize in providing comprehensive mental health support for children and adolescents aged 18 and under. Our dedicated team of psychiatrists, nurse practitioners, and therapists offers individual, family, and group therapy to promote positive outcomes. Whether your child is navigating difficult situations, coping with PTSD, depression, anxiety, ADHD, or other mental health conditions, we are committed to helping them overcome these challenges. Explore our Advanced Practitioner lookup to discover a full list of specialties and clinicians available in Uniontown and Connellsville.
What can outpatient services offer?
Through our outpatient clinics, we provide offer your child these behavioral health services:
- Individual Therapy
- Group Therapy
- Family Therapy
- Mental Health Evaluations
- Psychiatric Evaluations
- Medication Services
Specialized services include DBT, CBT, Trauma, Art Therapy, Eating Disorders, Grief/Loss, and Anger Management.
For more information call (724) 437 – 0729
We Can Help With…
- Anger Management
- Depression
- Conduct Problems
- School Anxiety
- School Refusal
- Bullying
- Divorce
- Peer Problems
- Sibling Rivalry
- Self Esteem
- Opposition to Authority
- Parent Child Relations Problems
- Development Difficulties
How Do Referrals Work?
Referral Process:
- Download the Form: Use the form below.
- Complete the Form:
- If you have Adobe Acrobat Reader, fill it out on your computer and then print it.
- Otherwise, print the form and complete it in pen.
- Submit the Form:
- Fax it to (724) 439-8487
- Mail it
- Bring it to any of our locations.
- Questions? Call (724) 437-0729.
Outpatient Hours
Open Access Hours
1051 Morrell Avenue
Connellsville, PA 15425
Connellsville Outpatient
(724) 437 – 0729
Outpatient Hours
Open Access Hours
Integrated Care (PCP office) call 724-437-4357 to speak to the CRCSI team!

"We treat everyone as if they are family"
Chestnut Ridge Counseling Services Inc. is one of the larger providers of mental health treatment and support in Western PA. CRCSI offers over 20 specific and specialized treatment programs... read more
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Medical Records FAX
Med Clinic / Rx Fax
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