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Family Based Services – HOPE Network

Empowering Families: Comprehensive Care for At-Risk Children and Adolescents

What is HOPE?

As a voluntary service, Family Based HOPE Network uses a team-delivered approach that is child centered, family-focused, and family-driven. Our treatment team offers comprehensive and intensive services to empower your family to care for your “at risk” child or adolescent. Our goal is to reduce the risk of out-of-home placement and includes strengthening your family, improving coping skills, and being an advocate for your child and your family.

What makes HOPE different?

This service is available to families 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our clinical staff attend ongoing trainings to complete a three-year curriculum for family therapist certification.  Family Based therapists also attend specialized trainings to meet specific needs of families in the Fayette County area.

How are HOPE services provided?

This is a voluntary service provided by a team of two mental health professionals. Duration is typically 32 weeks and requires authorization from your family’s behavioral health care plan.  It requires community or in-home sessions 3 times/week at 1-3 hours per session.  Services are scheduled with your family based on your availability.

What to expect

Our treatment team initially works with your family by gathering specific information. The team works closely with you to develop a comprehensive treatment plan, establish goals, create a crisis plan and identify any safety issues. A family agreement is then developed explaining the length of service, confidentiality, treatment team’s and family’s responsibilities, and discharge criteria.

Discharge from HOPE is based by achieving your treatment goals and recommendations. During the course of treatment and planning, the team will assist in linking your family with other community agencies and programs for continued support upon discharge. Since Family Based is a voluntary program, your family can choose, at any time, to discontinue the service.

For more information, call (724) 437 – 0729 extension 7590 and ask to speak to the HOPE Program Manager.

Who We Can Help

Children and adolescents who meet the following criteria are eligible:

  • Ages 4 to 21
  • Exhibit serious emotional and behavioral behaviors.
  • Determined to be “high risk” for out-of-home placement or returning from out-of-home placement (hospitalization, residential, foster care, etc.)
  • Involved with multiple systems and is determined/recommended by a psychiatrist, physician or licensed psychologist to need services.

What is the cost?

Cost of services are fully covered by Health Choices/Medicaid or Fayette County Behavioral Health Administration funding with proof of ineligibility for Medicaid.

How Do Referrals Work?

Anyone can make a referral for services through the form below. If you have Adobe Acrobat Reader you can fill it out on your computer then print it; otherwise, print the form first and then fill it out in pen. Once filled out, you can fax it to (724) 439 – 8487, mail it , or bring it to any of our locations. For security reasons do not send any forms over email. If you have questions, please call 724-437-0729.

The referral must include the referral/pre-cert form and a letter or evaluation stating medical necessity for this level of mental health care, signed by the qualified evaluator/physician. If there is just a recommendation letter a full psychiatric evaluation is needed within 8 weeks of opening the family. Approval of the referred person will be sought by our agency or the provider of your choice, with the FCBHA or managed care organization, however approval is not guaranteed. If authorization is denied for this level of care, the organization denying this service will inform the family of suggested alternative options.

Integrated Care (PCP office) call 724-437-4357 to speak to the CRCSI team!

Chestnut Ridge Counseling Services

"We treat everyone as if they are family"

Chestnut Ridge Counseling Services Inc. is one of the larger providers of mental health treatment and support in Western PA.  CRCSI offers over 20 specific and specialized treatment programs... read more

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