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Empowering Recovery: Structured Residential Mental Health Care

About The Program

Crossroads Long Term Structured Residence (LTSR) is a long-term structured residential program for those who require extended mental health care beyond the hospital setting. This allows you to transition back into the community with the support and skills necessary to be successful in your recovery journey.  The program offers a safe and structured environment with 24-hour supervision from qualified staff who have the skills and background necessary to meet your diverse needs.

For more information, call (724) 437 – 0729 and ask to speak with the Crossroads Program Manager.

We Can Help With

  • Self-empowerment, determination, self-advocacy, acceptance and hope are fostered within the context of relationships where you can heal and grow.
  • Within the LTSR community we offer intensive individualized therapy, psychiatric services, nursing and medical support, case management, life skill enhancement, psychoeducational group therapy along with creative arts therapies and leisure and recreational activities.
  • Throughout the course of stay, you are encouraged to take ownership of your treatment plans to strengthen your connections to family, friends and community resources of your choosing as well as develop community services to support your personal recovery goals.

How Do Referrals Work?

Anyone can make a referral for services through the form below. If you have Adobe Acrobat Reader you can fill it out on your computer then print it; otherwise, print the form first and then fill it out in pen. Once filled out, you can fax it to (724) 439 – 8487, mail it , or bring it to any of our locations. For security reasons do not send any forms over email. If you have questions regarding the referral process please call 724-437-0729.

LTSR Location



1100 South Pittsburgh Street Connellsville, PA 15425

  (724) 437 – 0729


Crossroads LTSR is operated 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Integrated Care (PCP office) call 724-437-4357 to speak to the CRCSI team!

Chestnut Ridge Counseling Services

"We treat everyone as if they are family"

Chestnut Ridge Counseling Services Inc. is one of the larger providers of mental health treatment and support in Western PA.  CRCSI offers over 20 specific and specialized treatment programs... read more

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