Our hours of operation have changed. Find changes for each location here.Chestnut Ridge is open and seeing their scheduled clients. In order to protect both you and our other clients from any unnecessary risk, CRCSI is asking that all clients limit the people accompanying them to their appointments to those necessary for your treatment. If you need to set up an appointment please call us at 724-437-0729.  We strongly suggest that you consider scheduling a therapy or medical appointment using out telehealth options.  IF YOU ARE IN CRISIS, CALL OUR CRISIS TEAM AT 724-437-1003. We are committed to helping you through these times.

About The Program

The Assertive Community Team (ACT) is a full support service program incorporating case management and treatment for any of your loved ones experiencing severe and persistent mental illness, such as Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder, etc.

As a primary, direct service, ACT provides comprehensive and intensive outpatient mental health treatment as well as rehabilitative and support services to anyone who needs help beyond traditional community mental health services.

Call (724) 437 - 0729 and ask to speak to the Assertive Community Team Program Manager for more information.

Who Can We Help?

These services are also intended for anyone living with serious mental illness who are experiencing repeated:
  • Hospitalization
  • Incarceration
  • Substance use/abuse
  • Psychiatric emergencies
  • Homelessness
At CRCSI, we believe that most people with serious mental illness can live successfully in integrated community settings when adequate, individualized support and services are provided. ACT merges clinical, rehabilitative and support staff expertise within one service delivery team so your loved ones can develop the ability to access and use other needed community services over time.

Get In Touch With Us

For more information on how we can help you, contact us today.

Referral Process

Anyone can make a referral for services. The referral form is available below. If you have Adobe Acrobat Reader it can be filled out on your computer then printed, otherwise print the form and fill out in pen. Once filled out, the form can be faxed to (724) 439 - 8487, mailed to, or taken to any of our locations. For security reasons do not send these forms over email. If you have questions regarding the referral process please call (724) 437-0729.